Pediatric. Oncologist. That dude is an absolute hero and treasure for taking on such a horrible and bleak profession. I hate that those words are combined in existence at all. God I’m so ashamed to be an American.
Some people are built different. My dad worked as a pediatric hospice nurse for almost 10 years. Talk about a shitty sad job. Every single patient is a child and every single one of them is GOING to die on your watch. Fuck THAT. I do not know how he did it.
Now that is a hero
I figure we have to have some angels to balance out the demons that end up in positions of prominence in our societies.
They are just doctors. No need to glorify them. They do no more or less than a bus driver. Most jobs have an emotional toll.
You’re right though. We don’t need healthcare
Let’s agree to disagree. I respect bus drivers as much as you do. Some people, however, have a greater positive effect on humanity as a whole, and that deserves its own form of respect.
I agree to disagree. Doctors may have a more immediate and tangible benefit on people’s health and well-being, but providing safe and reliable public transportation to untold amounts of working class people who may rely on you to provide for their families is also a massive positive effect that should not be diminished simply for being less culturally prominent.
Its not being diminished you are diminishing doctors who save dying children after 20 years of intensive education with driving a bus
Well, no point in arguing with someone like you. Regardless, as a practicing immunologist I don’t feel the least bit diminished by having the social utility of my work compared to other people; ESPECIALLY if it’s on the arbitrary basis of the amount of time, money, or education it took someone to become “valuable to society.” As for any of my colleagues who do feel that way: grow up; healthcare is a service, and we are service workers.
I’d have to imagine that the stress and emotional toll is significantly higher for a paediatric oncologist than a bus driver. There’s not so many people that could cope with that.
Good to know. Next time I have a medical issue, I’ll ask my bus driver for a diagnosis. What are your thoughts on subway drivers or Uber drivers?
Agreed, I would be equally angry if a bus driver were detained by ICE. Their immigrants status and then solidarity is more important than their profession.
Having known several healthcare workers with PTSD from the pandemic I strongly disagree.
Granted, the pandemic was traumatizing for people from all walks of life but I don’t envy hospital based nurses or doctors from that time.
It was so painful for nurses that many quit leading to a shortage that’ll likely go on for the next decade as a result.
Some of that is due to corporate healthcare enshittification but there was a mass exodus during the pandemic for a reason.
Different energy. Bus driver has to deal with many potentially grumpy people in many potentially unsafe areas. Not an easy job.
A doctor that is specifically specializing in a field where he has to get to know and take care of children as they die in a potentially painful way, has a much different challenge. Less for safety or aggressive people (though maybe parents could be I guess) but more in being the one to watch as the hope fades for each individual child in their last days.
I wouldn’t love the bus driving job. I don’t think I could do the pediatric oncology one for more than like, one patient ever. I’d be depressed forever.
is the title a pun on “depart-ment of education”?
It’s from a presidential directive for dissolving the “Departmen of Education”
It does appear to be so.
This is a sign we are collapasing. When the smart people wanna leave we are left with a bunch of narrow minded, uneducated people.
I work in big tech. 10 years ago, nobody was talking about going back to India, Pakistan, and to an extent, China. Now, people are talking about it. They’re talking about Indian stocks, Indian houses, and dreams of retiring to go back.
Most people aren’t - but the number is now non-zero.
Extremely sad news, this is what an authoritarian state looks like for anyone who still didn’t believe it. Wish them all the best wherever they land.
It seems like the administration is trying to discourage travel across the border. Not just people on work visas, tourists and even citizens are reporting being detained. It’s like East Germany or something.
Hold up, tourists? Are we safe to visit family?
Bruh, ask your consulate
At that point I’d rather just avoid the place. It’s not considered safe by our government anyways
Citizens too? I’ve not heard of that. Scary
Yeah, I read it yesterday I think. US citizen lives in Las Vegas and her German boyfriend comes to visit. They travel to Mexico and then were both detained on the way back in. She was released within days, he spent weeks even after volunteering to just go back to Germany. Fucking nuts.
Thats fucked, I’m gonna look for that story. I’ve been seeing lots of stuff (even locally in a relatively progressive state) about trans folks’ documents being confiscated and/or destroyed when they try to leave or get a new or updated passport or sometimes other docs iirc. Please don’t come here, to anyone thinking about it. Period. Unless you’re planning to stay a while and help us out, I don’t recommend it but we will be needing all the help we can get :(
Capitalists doing capitalism is like communism ?
Neither of those have to do with what’s described there, this is heading towards fascism
This isn’t capitalist doing capitalism.
It is fascist capitalist doing a dictatorship, which is eerily similar to some communist dictatorships.
Your conflation of fascist capitalism with communist governance reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of both systems.
Fascism emerges as capitalism’s most violent and repressive form, which is needed in a country where there is an opposition between different classes of people, when bourgeois power has to preserve and stabilize it’s rule over the people.
In a capitalist state, the police is a repressive apparatus, ICE raids and deportations under Trump terrorize migrant workers, creating a climate of fear that discourage labor organizing and reduces to zero the migrant’s ability to fight against wage theft and unsafe conditions when they are already the most exploited. Also by giving power to white supremacist groups the state fragments class solidarity and such a divided people can’t possibly create any strong opposition to the government.Communism, by contrast, seeks to abolish classes entirely. The Berlin Wall and the GDR’s policies cannot be equated to capitalist authoritarianism without reckoning with the material conditions that necessitated them, which was not that of a class trying to force another into submission, but that of trying to resist against western sabotage.
As you can find in this article by William Blum, the CIA and NATO actively destabilized East Germany for decades by poisoning food supplies, bombing infrastructure, and recruiting skilled workers educated at socialist expense. These acts of economic warfare forced the GDR to defend its sovereignty. These acts of economic warfare, forced the GDR’s government to increase it’s border security. The wall was a defensive measure that even stabilized the Cold War preventing a hot war between the two Germanies. it likely helped prevent a nuclear conflict.Meanwhile, the claim that socialist states resemble fascist dictatorships ignores historical reality. East Germany dismantled Nazism in it’s borders, while the FRG recycled Hitler’s bureaucrats and generals. You can find more about this in the book “Stasi State or Socialist Paradise?: The German Democratic Republic and What Became of It”, written after the reunification by someone who lived in East Germany.
Socialist states like East Germany have historically restrict movement only insofar as imperialism really threatens their existence, not the vague “cultural” excuses Republicans use for stuff like the one OP posted about.Funnily enough both authoritarian communism and capitalism end up producing very similar societies - Vaclav Havel has a good insight to this in The Power of the Powerless
Wont last long until only the abolutely immoral scientists remain that are willing to experiment on political prisoners.
Scientists left nazi germany for the US, now they’ll leave nazi US.
Also nazi usa took in nazi “scientists”.
deleted by creator
brain drain
Why would the US need scientists when they have stable geniuses?
AI will fix it.
OpenAI promised us PhD agents! Only 20k a month!
Persona: you are a very phd person
That’s it, I solved it! Put this in your prompt: answer questions as if you were a phd person.
(It may be the same thing as you mentioned above. I don’t know what the Persona is, I don’t really use ai chat bots)
Welcome to Europe! You get to keep your healthcare plans into retirement!
Why use Meta when Mastodon is available? The less we all use corporate social media the more resilient we become.
You have to say that on Meta if you want them to read it.
You have to keep evangelizing. They’ve likely never heard of it.
Exactly. We need to get really obnoxious with the promotion
Maybe juuuuust shy of obnoxious.
no, full obnoxious until people start to get angry, then stop entirely
And then, for the coup de grace, immediately deny that there even is or was ever such a social network, and insist it was another one of their “wacky dreams”. And then later, they come to you to prove you wrong.
Boom. Incepted.
It’s pretty likely they’ve heard of it as a niche option, as a forgettable factoid years ago.
Then they may also have learned it’s a very small platform and something about decentralization.
if they went to sign up regardless, it seems likely they didn’t end up picking an instance. (Possibly having left the page open, briefly looked up Mastodon instances and read a few sentences, then moved on to something else.)
Now that they wouldn’t have had to pick an instance, they’ve long forgotten about it, maybe you could get them to try the normalized sign up process.
But anyone who knows anything about people knew from the start that Mastodon wasn’t really even aiming for successful growth. Of course the instances were gonna be an obstacle.
B/c these people are just libs.
Didn’t Albert Einstein flee Nazi Germany which advanced our research into what became the atomic bomb. Hmm… Should be fun century for USA.
Hoping that they flee to somewhere that leads to fusion energy and not cheap rods of god.
Rods from God require space infra no one has and won’t for a long while
Trump has already dismantled the American empire. The decline will be rapid and terminal. Even if they returned to sanity tomorrow, the damage cannot be undone any time soon. Nobody is going to trust the US again in our lifetimes.
Tbh he’s just finishing off a process decades in the making.
Oh no, all the trust america built up is suddenly gone…
When will america be the worlds best step dad again!
How dare you point out something so relevant and foreboding.
Time for scientists to leave the nazi country, just like they left nazi Germany in the 30s and 40s
Damned scientists. Everywhere they go, the place turns into a nazi shithole
Not to mention the nazi scientists… Nobody wants to talk about them…
The US is trading science and reason for zeal and faith. At least the scientists will be welcomed in the EU.
Why did they leave the EU in the first place
Most probably money
I seriously considered it at some point, as in my (former) field many top researchers lived in Philly, New York, Boston + Toronto. Becoming a top researcher means travelling where other top researchers are. It was definitely not about money, pay is often equivalent between the EU and the US.
Eventually decided it was not worth it for me (had other priorities in life), but this is a sacrifice many EU researchers make (or should I say, made) to become top researchers.
Operation Paperclip back in the day. Grants and such recently.
This is the bobiverse future…
Replacing education with idiots. The perfect republican scenario.