ITT: people who think the viggo story is esoteric and those who do not. Both are responding accordingly. Fascinating
Imma gonna call him winnie the pooh all I want and you can’t stop me
ITT: people who think the viggo story is esoteric and those who do not. Both are responding accordingly. Fascinating
…and the nephew of malcolm macdowell
Do not bend the knee until the gun is at your head.
records were spotty after the eugenics wars
I am never gonna look at Kosh the same way again
O’brien (like most family men) broke the day they brought home the puppy
You fool, you’ve awoken the Dwarfers!
Zelenka is awesome
Thank you for taking the high road
ahh danke. so ST for the next lot?
I learned it as far as hard drives i have in my file server, so Eta
Classic Doctor Who fans say hold my beer you screaming neophytes
Yeah, that “if only” was a shit note to end the series on. “If only she could be content with being a second class citizen…” cheer trek, thanks for that
Dude. infamously turnabout intruder.
Fully fucktional. Pass it as a glitch like includeling the kidneys
Generations. replace the O Shit.
Or first contact, Worf’s choice
Or if your neighbours crops have germinated in your lands