I would imagine I’d absolutely love some of these indie games today as a kid. But there are things that make them less desirable to play now. The main things are being an adult with responsibilities gives you less time and tons of options for games now. I had maybe 10 games to choose to play from unless I rented.
no indie rpg will ever make me feel like playing Golden Sun as a kid did
Yeah, they would need to be able to turn you back into your kid self, experiences and all. A lot of that magic is from you being a child.
not just you. the world you inhabit and your place in it.
like, imagine having a future, lol.
The sun will rise again!
That main menu music was so great
I love the entire OST. the Saturos theme is one of my favourite ones
I would imagine I’d absolutely love some of these indie games today as a kid. But there are things that make them less desirable to play now. The main things are being an adult with responsibilities gives you less time and tons of options for games now. I had maybe 10 games to choose to play from unless I rented.
Playing Chrono Trigger as an adult will ever make me feel like playing Chrono Trigger as a kid did.