You’re definitely a CAPITALIST
I just got this. It’s been a long day 😂
Was it like “No I’m not! … wait I don’t get it but I can tell that’s supposed to be funny. I will say nothing until I understand”? Because I do that all the time.
It was like “Well, I don’t like being called that, but I can tell they’re joking, and it kinda makes sense that if I were a capitalist I’d want that guy dead because I want his cards, but that’s not really what I was going for. I’ll upvote, but I don’t really know what to say about it.”
And then as I was wrapping up my shift at work, I went back through my notifications to see if I’d missed anything; my eyes went right to “CAPITALIST” and I was like “heh. Kinda funny that that’s all… in… hm. Oh. Ohhhh… HAHAHAHA”
Really? Advertising Sprite on Lemmy?? A Coca Cola Company product??? Keep your capitalism out of here! /s
You know what can REALLY be a bit much sometimes?
It’s Capita-
The capitalists got him, guys
Well if it weren’t for capitalism you wouldn’t have to complain about Lemmy complaining about it…
What distro is this?
Huh…just realized that Austin Powers’ chest hair is in the shape of a penis.
I never noticed that, either. Intentional or not, it’s on-brand.
Give me the whole deck bitches, unos a kids game and were talking about causing political unrest.
Agreed. I’m mostly a lurker, but the current state of US politics feels existential.
I think sometimes Americans forget there is more than just the American version of capitalism
You have heard of commodification of capitalism criticism now get ready for commodification of criticism of capitalism criticism
Without capitalism you never would have made this meme!
We can appreciate a system for how it has developed the productive forces but determine its time is up… or whatever I can’t help myself I’m sorry
You comment like I do half the time. Cool beans.
The abundance of overconfident one-line retorts and trendy slang make me think people’s major source of knowledge here is memes.
I am afraid we are way past that point, it is more like a discussion between should we kill all billionaires or just -force redistribute their wealth or not draw 25 cards
What relation this has with capitalism? Are you trying to claim capitalism created wealth concentration and reduced class mobility?
Because that’s exactly what the OP is about.
It isn’t about what evil capitalism created. It’s about what evil capitalism has enabled to be perfected at scale.
I swear it’s like people want to be serfs.
You use exactly the word that capitalism deprecated.
My choice of words isn’t accidental, and you seem to have spotted the irony without appreciating its flavor.
I would say more like catalysed
Thanks Obama meme became Thanks Capitalism meme
A bit much, like the artificially inflated prices of everything?
Especially when someone blames capitalism for something which has been a problem since the dawn of humanity, and if anything, has improved under capitalism.
Care to share a representative xample?
Greed. Violence. Self-interest. In vs. Out groups. Shall I go on?
…those are all significantly worse under capitalism, how does that help the argument?
There are different kinds of capitalism, just like there are different types of socialism.
Authoritarian socialism or communism is the worst, and crony capitalism is what we currently have, and is pretty bad too. But there are things like democratic socialism and stakeholder capitalism which attempt to balance competing interests.
For example, stakeholder capitalism is where all of the stakeholders benefit from their contributions, including labor. Workers get a share of the profits of the company, and are paid well as stakeholders in the company. The workers often own part or all of the company. There are also cooperatives, where the customers own the enterprise. Cooperatives work great for healthcare and necessities like groceries.
People tend to pick the worst examples of capitalism and socialism, but those are not the only flavors.
…okay? that wasn’t the question being asked. did you get confused at some point?
like, i agree with what you said, just…what does it have to do with the current state of affairs?
the entire comment chain talks about the past and how capitalism has (supposedly) improved conditions. (since that “improvement” is implied to have already happened by the past tense, we’re talking about the current system. without specifying anything about exactly “who” those conditions have improved for…conveniently)
so i fail to see the connection to (largely) theoretical improvements to capitalism…
We actually used to have some form of stakeholder capitalism, at least practiced at a large number of companies. This is before the greedy corporate raiders ruined it, where they made investors the priority. It only existed for a short period, between the abuses of the past, and the abuses of now. But it was long enough where some people enjoyed an entire career.
At these companies, employees used to have jobs for life, pensions, and generous benefits. But then the corporate raiders took that all away. That is also about the time that employee’s wages stopped growing and started to stagnate or worse.
Was it perfect? No. But it was better than communism, and better than laissez-faire capitalism, and better than crony capitalism, which we have now.
The good news is that some people are trying to bring stakeholder capitalism back. Many states now have something called a “public benefit corporation” which is legally required to consider all of the stakeholders, not just the investors. These laws would prevent corporate raiders and investors from gutting these companies at the expense of the workers and consumers.
Plus, cooperatives and employee-owned companies have been around for a long time. Both employees and consumers are treated much better at these enterprises than they are at their investor-owned counterparts.
It is a model that works, and must be protected.
“You don’t hate women and feminism. You hate capitalism.”
As if misogyny is a new thing that came along with capitalism. Women have been second-class citizens for most of recorded history. While they’re still not on par with men, if anything it has improved in the modern, capitalist world.
“It is always capitalism’s fault”
Despite the nazis being fascists, somehow it’s not their fault, it’s actually capitalism that’s at fault.
Lemmy search isn’t very good, but I’ve replied to a bunch of Lemmy posts over the last while where the argument is basically that capitalism is the worst possible system. They seem to be unaware of just how brutal and awful life was under Manorialism / Feudalism. They seem to equate every modern ill with capitalism, even when it’s something that was 1000x worse under say fascism.
I thought that had more to do with the rise in misogyny from men looking to blame something that isn’t capitalism. I would say the the issue is more complicated then capitalism, but capitalism is definitely a major factor.
Look at just the advertisements in mainstream culture. Ads designed for men appeal to masochism, but modern society, or at least the white collar work that society tells men they want, has no need for manliness. You get this glitch in people’s minds and men fall into a Man-o-sphere spiral. It’s actually stunning how actuate Fight Club predicted types like Trump and Tate. Only real issue with Fight Club is that Tyler Durden had to have believable charisma. His real life counter parts have the charisma is a wet paper bag.
I’m not trying to argue the point of “capitalism good or bad”, I just feel you misunderstood the posts you linked.
The first one does not say that misogyny in general is begotten by capitalism, just that the current problems that today’s misogynists experience and attribute to women and feminism today are actually caused by today’s ruling class under capitalism.
An the second one faults capitalism for enabling nazism, it does not say “it’s not the fascists fault”, but that “capitalists are fascists with the mask not yet fully off”.
All I’m saying it’s different arguments.
Hunger. What other form of economic system has kept people this fed? All communist countries have had famines mass killing their population.
The dust bowl ran a few thousand deaths in America compared to Mao’s famine killing millions, Soviet famines killing millions every couple decades, the '90s North Korean famine killed God knows how many people. Americans get fed dogshit slop, but they don’t starve.
It’s kind of hard to critique communism when capitalism declares war against every instance that sprouts up
Mao was an idiot tho
I’d urge you to compare systems by comparing other factors as well. We know communism produced Stalin, but it produced Stalin as an alternative to the Tsars, who were not much better. The Chinese Empire was also not famous for its humanitarian values. We don’t know how Socialist America would look like because it’s never happened.
I’m not here to advocate for anything, to be honest I’m on the side of “let’s solve actual fucking problems before arguing ideology”, but I feel comparing the USSR to the US is a stupid comparison.