As a tall man who likes to walk at night, I have long understood that women alone at night do not wish to encounter me. So when I happen to find myself following a woman down the street, I will either slow down, cross the street, or stop and look at a sign or something for a minute to give her some space.
In a dangerous and shitty world, a person has to find subtle and quiet ways to express care, compassion, and solidarity. It costs me nothing to make a woman feel safer.
I have similar experiences. I am 6’9" and weight 290lbs. I also have daughters, so I try my best to not be intimidating. Doesn’t always work, but at least I can say I try.
While working i am occasionally in parking garages which can be dark and creepy. If i see a woman walking alone I’ll try to make some noise like pulling out my keys. People with bad intentions will be stealthy, hopefully they get that I’m not a threat
Using the word “SIMP” in this context runs counter to every example of protective familymen I’ve ever seen. Derision against his behavior is as good as calling yourself a creep, a predator, an enemy of all that is good and right.
You have the morals of an opportunistic thug … yet I have no doubt you think yourself some kind of faithful man
As a tall man who likes to walk at night, I have long understood that women alone at night do not wish to encounter me. So when I happen to find myself following a woman down the street, I will either slow down, cross the street, or stop and look at a sign or something for a minute to give her some space.
In a dangerous and shitty world, a person has to find subtle and quiet ways to express care, compassion, and solidarity. It costs me nothing to make a woman feel safer.
This is the way, and good for you.
Purposefully making women afraid they’re about to get assaulted is abhorrent.
I have similar experiences. I am 6’9" and weight 290lbs. I also have daughters, so I try my best to not be intimidating. Doesn’t always work, but at least I can say I try.
While working i am occasionally in parking garages which can be dark and creepy. If i see a woman walking alone I’ll try to make some noise like pulling out my keys. People with bad intentions will be stealthy, hopefully they get that I’m not a threat
When in an elevator, I like to put people at ease by letting out a long reassuring fart to prove that I’m not hiding anything up my ass
You da man brother!
on the one hand, you’re right and I agree with you.
on the other hand, I’ve got places to be and other people walk so fucking slow.
He’s not a “Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy”
He’s a man making sure women feel a little safer.
Using the word “SIMP” in this context runs counter to every example of protective familymen I’ve ever seen. Derision against his behavior is as good as calling yourself a creep, a predator, an enemy of all that is good and right.
You have the morals of an opportunistic thug … yet I have no doubt you think yourself some kind of faithful man
Simp is also just short for “simpleton”
That’s not how simp is used in this context, you intentionally obtuse pedanic British cigarette.