Whaaat? His voice is awesome. They just sing in two very different styles.
ugly bag of mostly water
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
Whaaat? His voice is awesome. They just sing in two very different styles.
I’m glad your meeting went well - I was just thinking I should ask how it went. Presenting can be so stressful!
Bottom left, because they’re versatile and look like they wouldn’t be terribly uncomfortable. I like top left, but I’ve already got something similar.
Good luck with your meeting!
OMG you’re inviting me over right? Because that is almost my ideal pizza!
Ah I love a light chores day :) Have fun at lunch!
Let me live vicariously - what toppings?
Aw man I bet stromboli first thing in the morning was amazing
Good idea! I don’t have Instagram but I bet YouTube has some good videos. Thanks!
This is super helpful - thank you!!
These are great, I want more. The communion card was especially brutal.
I like both softener and dryer sheets ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That’s gonna be gorgeous, please post pics when it’s done!
Aw I’m sorry for your loss :(
I had surgery a year ago to fix a torn labrum in my right hip, plus shave down a bone deformity. There was a significant chance that the surgery might not work - statistically the probability of success goes down the older you are, and I’m in my forties. Anyway I had the one-year follow-up with my surgeon today and he’s super happy with how I’m doing. I’ve noticed a significant decrease in pain and an improvement in functionality, and he says that bodes well for my long-term success. And he said I can increase my weightlifting more aggressively than I have been (I’ve been a little paranoid about hurting my hip), which was great to hear!
Man I’m always grateful of the work contractors do but they do tend to leave a mess, don’t they!
Yesss I love fun hair colors, can’t wait to see it!
Ooh she’s pretty!
That’s not exclusively British.