They shouldn’t be separate in the first place. It’s just bad design that’s prone to failure. And in this case that failure mode is VERY far from failsafe, it’s potentially deadly.
They shouldn’t be separate in the first place. It’s just bad design that’s prone to failure. And in this case that failure mode is VERY far from failsafe, it’s potentially deadly.
Too bad those “easily accessible manual releases” aren’t the actual door handle and are hidden so well you’d never find them if you were unfamiliar with the vehicle.
BitTorrent wasn’t even launched until AFTER Napster was shutdown.
The mention of Napster would have put the original download this tweet refers to as happening sometime before July 2001. But, it’s entirely possible they were using Napster as a generic term for any number of the other protocols around in 2002, most of which didn’t have the ability to resume. BitTorrent would have been the anomaly here for its resumabilty, but was rarely used for music privacy at the time. PirateBay and Demonoid launching later in 2003.
They’re all very fungible assets, maybe even more than cash in those times. Except the drummer boy, but a song is probably all that poor kid had to give.
I guess the secondary directive of the Federation is to gatekeep having fun?
Animation isn’t for children by default. Only boring, unimaginative people talk that way about animated stories.
Star Trek has always had violence.
Star Trek has often had profanity. In another alien language sure, but we all knew which Klingon words were curses.
Does sophomoric humor graduate to senior humor when it’s subtle enough that you didn’t catch it as a child? Humor is SUPER subjective and VERY sensitive to the current zeitgeist, so comparing humor across a franchise that has been around this long seems a little absurd. Data pushed Crusher into the ocean for a laugh, that seems pretty sophomoric to me. Bones regularly joked about Spock’s racial differences, that also seems pretty crude by today’s standards.
I’m absolutely seeing more of them. They’re all relatively new stickers on newer and older cars. They’re all of about the same few designs. They’re actual bumper stickers, not magnets or signs hung with suction cups in a rear windows, so they’re basically permanent. Permanent student driver stickers just don’t make any sense for their supposed purpose. The stickers are going to last so much longer than it would normally take anyone to become a mostly proficient driver.
For real though, why are there so many people (who are obviously not new or student drivers) driving around with those stickers? They seem to drive around like that sticker is a license to act like a complete fool on the road and is almost entirely unlike the dumb things your average student driver will do.
They’re almost certainly talking about the TNG episode “Pen Pals” where data makes friends with a little girl whose planet is dying.
Another lesson I the importance of significant digits, a concept I’ve had to remind many a young (and sometimes an old) engineer about. An interesting idea along similar lines is that 2 + 2 can equal 5 for significantly large values of 2.
Yeah, the touch screen is awful, but just try finding a decent induction range without one and without spending twice as much for the privilege. (It seems that induction ranges are the most popular for this unfortunate design trend.)There’s not really any choices out there. You can lock the screen, which is great for cleaning. Just don’t do that while you’re using the oven or range because it turns everything off and cancels the bake.
I do love everything else about my induction range though. Cold searing stuff is faster and easier to get right. I can bring a pot of water to a rolling boil in about 4 minutes.
And, assuming that Scotty survives longer than the events of Star Trek Generations, after being rescued from that transporter, he’ll have lived longer than any of them. Pretty sure he hasn’t had an in universe death yet which has been stated, but he was still kicking in 2369.
I love feeling feelings. It’s the people around me that don’t care to much for them usually.
There is no interpersonal conflict allowed in Gene’s vision of Starfleet. Oh they might but heads occasionally, but every episode resolves with everyone putting their differences aside to work as a team. It’s practically a cult mentality. Gene would not have let them write episodes telling those kinds of Dead-parent/Step-Parent/Oedipal stories. That doesn’t exactly excuse the bad writing of the Wesley episodes, but it does explain why the writing did not go to those places.
Let this be a lesson to you then. Checking the logs should be your first troubleshooting step, not installing a variety of distros until one “just works”. Good luck.
Getting frustrated by things you don’t understand is an acceptable excuse? I saw your spicy reply before theirs in my inbox, that’s all. Not sure why you’re inserting all this drama into what was basically an very in context conversation.
Frustrated by new thing. Makes it weird
The new thing is this. Don’t make it weird.
Okay I understand.
Good. It’s not that you didn’t know, it’s the attitude.
Isn’t that the whole point of the post? Having conversations like this regularly.
Good. To be clear, I was not trying to be critical of you not knowing the terms, just the attitude I found gross.
I want off Mr. Bones wild ride.
Sound pretty critical. This isn’t the take of someone that’s genuinely curious and asking in good faith.
Weird thing to say. Cis is gender. Het is attraction.
Also, isn’t that the whole point of scary movies? I love scary movies and I show that by reacting to the good jump scares, gore, and creepiness. If it bored me so much I didn’t react, I probably would find something else to watch. My partner gets a real kick out of watching me jump too.
Beginner tutorials exist. Have you even tried looking? Linux has better documentation than anything I’ve seen in any other OS. Man pages, help files, and commented configuration files galore in just about every single Linux distro without any Internet needed, but it sounds like you never even bothered to look for them.
Sure, assholes online exist in Linux communities, but they are EVERYWHERE. We’ve got a couple right right here. That doesn’t exactly distinguish FOSS communities from any other.
Generalizations about all of FOSS based on your limited experience with a few distros is just asinine. FOSS is way more than an operating system.
Expecting a machine to hold your hand through your learning is such a weird form of entitlement and an especially weird distinction to make since no other operating system does that to the level you expect either.
Corporations pay for support services. The code is free (as in speech). No one ever claimed that the support was also (or even should be) free. Microsoft support is a joke. Apple support is mostly just a sales scheme. Linux support forums might be hostile to entitled noobs looking for a handout and a quick fix, but they are fucking heros when given a chance to help those who put in the effort to help themselves.