Ctrl shift v
It’s not 100% accurate though. It’s app dependant, sometimes it work (most of the time) but in some app it won’t (office?)
I got Pure Text from Windows Store. Bind it to ctrl+shift+v and if now works everywhere, 100% of the time. That’s the only feature of the app.
Ctrl + Shift + V pastes without formatting on Windows
Sadly, doesn’t work everywhere. Sometimes, this is still necessary.
Funny enough, I’ve found Microsoft apps are the most inconsistent with this functionality
Yeah this doesn’t work anywhere in Office apps
Never in my entire life have I wanted to paste with formatting into a word doc, and you always have to click the stupid little clipboard icon after you paste to undo it.
Ctrl + Alt + V
Yes and after learning of the shortcut, it actually makes me angrier when I get formatted text.
Ctrl + Win + Alt + V works everywhere I’ve tried it.
Ctrl + Shift + V should paste without formatting, but for some reason Microsoft Office software (Outlook, Word, Publisher) refuses to follow this standard.
Linux too, at least in most applications I’ve tried. Some will ask you when you ctrl+shift+v if you want to paste formatted or unformatted text.
I’ve been on Windows since 3.0 and only recently learned that. Use it almost every day now.
Same, I’ve been using PCs with Microsoft operating systems since fuckin’ MS-DOS 3.2 and I only learned about it a couple years ago.
I don’t think it’s OS dependent.
Can anyone confirm if that keeps Jira from doing that “uploading an image” thing when pasting text?
Is there something like this for Mac users that have this stupid behavior ported over through the MS Office suite?
CMD + Shift + V
I was already done with windows, but if I hadn’t decided yet the AI in notepad definitely would have put me over the edge. That’s insane.
Yeah they just want to collect every single bit of data you have. AI is a data collection tool. A reason to send everything you type or use to their servers. I swapped to Linux fully over 4 years ago and my windows 10 install is still sitting on my older SSD drive. It’s a good reminder to format that thing and use it as a backup drive in my Unraid setup.
Yeah, that was the only way that worked consistently. Buttons like “Paste Without Formatting” failed in more than a few cases.
Past tense, because it works on Linux. But I still have the old habit and use KWrite sometimes.
Shift + ctrl + v is paste without formatting
Outlook intercepts and disables it because of course it does and instead pastes it with the formatting but with a little drop down box at the end of your text pass address you can click to remove the formatting like you tried to do with you with hotkeys.
I have to use Outlook for work, but never intentionally do so if I choice. Truly amazing. If there’s anything that can be messed up, it will be.
Also, the “Paste Without Formatting” button is paste without formatting
I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever run kwrite beyond the first time 20 years ago when I wanted to see what it was.
Nailed it, this is the only reason I’ve used notepad for years. Speaking of which, now that I’m permanently on Linux I should lfind a command line way to do this - there has to be one, if not many.
Just slap it in Geany.
You don’t need Linux or any command line tools to do this, there’s lots of apps that can strip formatting from the clipboard content, heck Windows Power Toys also comes with this feature built in, it’s just a simple keyboard shortcut
Wait…what…??? I thought it’s only me who use notepad to remove text formatting
Yes but you woukd not need to if you just installed Ditto clipboard manager Just press shift-enter in ditto to paste in plain text anywhere
Learn to use this and it will change your life I SWEAR
The shortcut is CTRL+~
Great suggestion but incompatible with windows available in corpo.
Try Windows Power Toys then, it’s a official Microsoft tool with this and many more features
Also very recommended Windhawk, FOSS, imperative for W11
Is it installed by défaut on windows ? Will try to look at work today
No it’s not installed by default, but you can install it from the Microsoft app store
ARF, we don’t have the mocrosfot store but a custom one with curated apps. (There is like 50 apps in it and nearly all of them are business related)
If you can install any apps directly then you can get the installer for this from it’s Github repository, but judging by how locked down your system is, maybe just make a request to IT for it instead, it’s an open source utility app made by Microsoft themselves, so shouldn’t be an issue.
Works in portable just great here in corpo land
Thanks but this won’t pass the firewall. If it is not already installed or in the “application store” we can’t download it. Even PDF files are scanned and sometime restricted.
You can email inside a password protected zip file renamed to myfile.mp4 or ideally some obscure file format it won’t know.
Other than that, you could ask supervisor but I’ve dealt with business dweebs enough not to bother asking. I’d just bring some old laptop with smb filesharing plus a dhcp server running from the ethernet port and hook that ditectly into the work pc then copy the file.
Me I just clone tge corpoOS image, install promox then run shitty corpoOS in a VM and do my actual work on a VM without the bullshit.
If anyone asks anything, I’ll tell them about my extensive gun collection.
This don’t work anymore they scan the the file header and if they found a zip it is blocked.
If you remove the file header it is rejected because no file header,
if you switch a file header like jpg they remove the picture from the email and you have a web side to see it.
The picture seem transformed too, you can’t get it change the header and unzip.
We can’t even send a picture in a email to outside emails adresse.
Ho violence and threat… Yeah this is know yo solve computers issues
Burn down the building before this big brother revenge of the nerd bullshit spreads.
But calling bs on that on tgat file header thing. They would have to even block text files. Many types of files have no headers.
And that shitty surveillance software didn’t get a file header interpreter of every business useful file type.
Use your imagination, there are still dozens more ways to bypass IT security and make it look like that brown nosing colleague did it.
Just send the file as base64 chunks if you have too. Life without ditto clipboard manager should not be tolerated and neitger should big nerd brother sufferred to live.
Ha! Welcome to the club, normie! :-)
I actually unironically use notepad when I need to write something down because of how quickly it opens up
I also appreciate that Notepad notes now don’t need to be manually saved to a file. They’re probably in temp storage somewhere, but the point is you can just write and close.
To be honest I don’t think notepad is sophisticated enough to do it, but don’t quote me on that
I keep a notepad document of my desktop for making temporary notes on.
Just wait until the AI assistant gets added 🤢
Does anyone else use the .LOG feature?
Put .LOG at the beginning of a text file. When opened in Notepad, you should get a date & time stamp.
Open filename.txt, type something, save and close.
Now you have a journal for system and config changes, document collections, time entries, client visits, whatever. Has worked on every Windows box I ever had to use.
Windows Power Toy run provides multiple date and time generation capability in built
I maintain a small business website with notepad. HTML in the raw.
“Ah, you think IDEs are your ally. But you merely adopted the lDE. I was born in Notepad, molded by it. I didn’t see syntax highlighting until I was already a man. By then, it was nothing to me but blinding!”
Someone asked me what IDE I use for python and I’m so dumb I didn’t even know what they meant. I just said whatever the fedora gnome text editor app is… who needs IDEs!
Real OG’s let their brains do the highlighting, like God intended
Oh god, I remember the days of creating webpages by hand-editing HTML in notepad. And not fondly.
I enjoyed it :(
I mean I’m not here to shit on anybody else’s good time, I just hated it myself.
There are plenty of consenting adults who would be happy to punch you in the genitals, why not just do that instead?
You’d typically want Kate rather than KWrite, if you’re gonna do development. Basically the same editor, but with more power-user features.
I just paste and then copy whatever i need into the address bar of any browser and its good to go. Unless its very long.
There is a good chance that whatever you are pasting is being sent to Google.
Im using safari and more recently opera, but since that is chinese now, im guessing this isnt much better :D
Huge chance. No question.
I use Firefox with DuckDuckGo. But I do agree that Google is so pervasive in the browser space that pasting text to the URL bar without further context can be reasonably understood in most instances, as sending data to Google.
Not in the new one. It had one job and it does it badly now.
The new notepad is rage inducing
It’s that the one that wants me to use it’s AI editor?
Get off notepad nightlies.
If you also want to remove line breaks, paste it into a url bar
I recently had to remove line breaks from the public key in a key pair, why did I never think of doing this
Super + R.
My brother in Christ, let me introduce you to ctrl+shift+v
What is a good linux program that serves this same purpose? Specifically removing formatting from copied text.
Notepad in wine ^(/s)
gnote usually works
Sublime. It’s more like notepad++ but will serve the purpose.