No, I’m saying to avoid “the majority” of women on there who likely do not share values with you.
Would you rather actually spend your time to go on a date with them only to find how shallow and materialistic someone is? Or would you rather know in advance to not waste your time?
It feels like you are speaking from the perspective of somebody who is sought instead of those who have to initiate relationships.
I think the people we are talking about here want any date they can get, and they feel like they have done the things necessary to meet someone, but they dont. Which is what makes them so crazy.
Eh, idk about being sought, but the dating experience did fundamentally change after I felt confident enough to be more worried about what a potential match brought to the table than whether or not I’d get a date. The pool of applicants wasn’t big, but I was happier being solo than with the wrong person.
6 figures, 6 feet, 6 inches is on a lot of people’s profiles.
If you were rich it would probably more than double the number of people who are interested in you.
Part of why there are so many idiots self assigning as incels is because we refuse to agree with them when it’s fair.
This shit culture perpetuates itself all over the gender spectrum.
Great, that lets you know who to avoid.
Those are the majority of the women who are on dating apps
You’re saying to not use dating apps. Which is how 90%+ of people meet their partners these days
No, I’m saying to avoid “the majority” of women on there who likely do not share values with you.
Would you rather actually spend your time to go on a date with them only to find how shallow and materialistic someone is? Or would you rather know in advance to not waste your time?
It feels like you are speaking from the perspective of somebody who is sought instead of those who have to initiate relationships.
I think the people we are talking about here want any date they can get, and they feel like they have done the things necessary to meet someone, but they dont. Which is what makes them so crazy.
Eh, idk about being sought, but the dating experience did fundamentally change after I felt confident enough to be more worried about what a potential match brought to the table than whether or not I’d get a date. The pool of applicants wasn’t big, but I was happier being solo than with the wrong person.
For the record, I didn’t down vote you.
Eventually people have to settle.
There is no person who will check all the boxes, and limiting your options too much does mean you will be alone forever.
These people look at it mathematically, and from that perspective they aren’t wrong.
six inches is like an inch above the US average and six feet two inches above the average US male height, why aim so low