Surely it’s treason to launch a new currency not backed by the US government while you are the government
Doesn’t matter what’s legal or treasonous or whatever. He gets away with everything. His Republicans lackey and Supreme Court will do nothing.
Just buy a
bribeTrump Coin to gain special access and privileges!He might even send you a ‘signed’ thank you photo, if you pay the entrance fee for the draw!
You can’t fix this level of corruption with proposed laws and restrictions.
Politicians should have to take a vow of poverty and celibacy and if they’re caught owning more than two pairs of shoes we tear them apart starting with the tips of the fingers and toes and working spineward one bone at a time while all of the others watch with their eyelids stapled open. “Greed detected. Mandatory disassembly initiated. All innocents will be harmed. The guilty will be harmed a LOT more.”
Has anybody tried this? Maybe we can give it a try here in North America after Trump burns down the United States.
I’ve had the exact same disassembly fantasy. Take them apart on national TV, in front of god and everyone, piece by piece. We should be friends.
Yes. It’s about time we start showing concern for the Trump administration.
Gonna be funny as hell in a year when this coin is worthless, like every other meme coin.
Not so funny when you consider all the insiders who made millions. But of course you can laugh at the clueless MAGAs who will be even more impoverished than before.
Why can’t a state mint one of these pieces of shit and do a kind of soft secession?
There already is for the president, it’s the emoluments clause, they decided to wipe their butt with it 8 years ago.
This bullshit brought to you by the American voter.
almost as if he is a scammer…
Rest assured that any crypto legislation will fail to address complete scams and will simply stifle innovation instead.
Innovation is bullshit.
I 100% don’t agree. There’s bullshit masquerading as innovation, and all kinds of harmful technology, but innovation (read: technology) has given us everything of actual value that we have.
Great for you but darpanet was a government project and it gave us a lot of what we have.
Not sure what point you’re making. Think I covered all those bases in my message.
Innovation is a business term. I dunno why corporate stooges still exist.
innovation (n.)
mid-15c., innovacion, “restoration, renewal,” from Late Latin innovationem (nominative innovatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of innovare “to change; to renew,” from in- “into” (from PIE root *en “in”) + novus “new” (see new). Meaning “a novel change, experimental variation, new thing introduced in an established arrangement” is from 1540s.
I am not using it in a business sense. Hell, crypto’s not even supposed to be there for business, it’s getting milked in the same way the web did - didn’t mean the web was bad, and doesn’t mean crypto itself is bad. The core tech is just a linked list of cryptographic proofs that establishes a global state. All this memecoin type shit just plays on ignorance and hype.
Yeah cuz you meant it in the Latin, not in the way it’s actually used and not in the way I was calling it bullshit…🥱
Lol so you’re into business garbage and crypto?
Good for you. 👍
And private enterprise took it mainstream. I was there, I was part of it.
Private enterprise made it terrible. I was there, I was a part of it.
I’ve posted this on another thread and I’ll post it here too: The left has been in denial in regards to crypto. It needs to embrace decentralised crypto currencies such as ETH asap or perish. After all the current world/system we live in is ran by capital and without leftists are powerless. Either that or rivers of blood and no guarantees.
I’ve been following this stuff for a long time and most people don’t have the first clue about what the US government has been doing with cryptocurrency, which in many cases amounts to overt attacks on the freedom to write and publish open software (which does affect more than just crypto). Kind of hard for there be a meaningful conversation about it when the whole topic is kind of taboo, saturated with simplistic narratives, and basic information about what is happening isn’t even widely known.