I played it on SNES as “The Lost Levels” in Super Mario All Stars. Being able to restart at each world & not go back to 1-1 every time probably helped, but I beat it way before I beat American SMB2.
I agree, for what it is it’s pretty cool. I’ve never gotten past a certain point either. I have a feeling it’s a big reason for the easier difficulty and extra side challenges in later games.
Donkey Donkey Picnic will always be my SMB2!
Don King Kong.
I’ve always hated the American SMB2. I was surprised when I got older and found that it has a lot of passionate fans. To each their own!
Mario wouldn’t be anywhere near as popular as he is now if the entire world played SMB2 Japan. It’s too derivative and difficult.
I think you’re definitely right.
There was a year in college where my friends and I grinded the real smb2 when it was available on the Wii shop.
It destroyed us. I don’t think we ever beat it. We were stuck on the third world for most of the year and it was super deflating.
I still go back every now and then to get through it and even with save states it’s just a gauntlet.
I love it for that though.
I played it on SNES as “The Lost Levels” in Super Mario All Stars. Being able to restart at each world & not go back to 1-1 every time probably helped, but I beat it way before I beat American SMB2.
I agree, for what it is it’s pretty cool. I’ve never gotten past a certain point either. I have a feeling it’s a big reason for the easier difficulty and extra side challenges in later games.