Keiko needs to be careful what she wishes for.
“Sir, a Mister Hanson is requesting to beam aboard.”
Excellent out of context quote from that episode:
Keiko: “I am your wife”.
Miles: “But you’re also twelve years old”.
Something like that.
This happens in the episode where everyone prematurely ages, and they are sent through the transporter to make them their “normal” ages. There’s no reason given why they couldn’t do that all the time.
Even more relevant there was that episode where a transporter accident turns Picard, Guinan, Ro and Kiko into twelve year olds and nobody points out they just discovered transporter induced immortality.
What really gets me about that episode is all of the effected characters immediately want to return to their normal age and nobody says “Hold up, I’m very okay with a couple extra decades of life” or centuries in Guinans case I suppose.
They also forgot about the fact that Barclay was aware during transport meaning that somehow your physical body exists while you’re being transported.
Really, the transporters work by power of plot.
Especially Picard who, you know, has the health thing that accelerates with age or whatever
Let’s not even address the fact that transporter enyouthened Picard would presumably still have his cybernetic heart. Was it an adult-sized cyberheart in his kid-sized chest cavity? Did the transporter know how to resize the prosthesis to fit his changed body? So many questions!
But wouldn’t that also erase your memories?
If they can selectively remove pathogens during transport, I see no reason they couldn’t selectively choose which parts of things to revert to a younger state and what to leave as is for things like memory preservation.
I’m already leaning towards transporters “actually kill you and clone you” and the extent to which they can manipulate the “you” that comes out is making me lean even harder lol
“Hey Scotty, when you beam me back up, can you give me a huge rodney?”
I assume there’s some in universe reason why they can’t / don’t keep copies of the teleportation data, otherwise everyone would be effectively indestructible
“Oh no the captain got eaten by a space tiger”
“No problem, I’ll teleport a backup from an hour ago, he’ll be there in 5 minutes”
My first thought was wouldn’t that reset our memories to that point too?
Granted losing some memories or being dead is a pretty easy choice, but using it to reverse aging or other physical things would be a costly one
Would YOU lose “some memory”, or would you be destroyed and the transporter would recreate a person who believes to be you from a previous point in time?
And how do we know that isn’t what happens every single time someone is beamed somewhere?
Calm down Theseus
But yes, I’m on the “it’s essentially a clone” and the original is killed side of that argument, so it would just be a copy of you that believes they lost time somehow until someone told them what happened
(Hope that sounds convincing, cause hell if I know)