That’s a line from comedian James Acaster. If you haven’t seen his Netflix special, you are really missing out on something spectacular.
Easily my favorite modern comedian. His live shows are really good too.
-Pat Springleaf
Pythagoras, what is it with you? Always with the triangles, your solution to everything is triangles! There are problems in life that can’t be solved by triangles!
you sound like a square
‘I believe that the intent was humor and not Historic accuracy. Seemed fairly obvious. Perhaps read through it a couple more times to see if the meaning of the words could be something more than face value.’ - Socrates
“A man who cannot see a metameme is as blind as one without eyes” -Confucius
“I found proof that the hypotenuse of a triangle with a base length of 1 is not a rational number” “Drown the heretic! REEE” “Oh shi-”