Just finished installing it this evening. Going to update the firmware, run thermal model, and PID tune tomorrow. Also installed the silicone bed mod and need to level everything out. Got a busy day tomorrow, wish me luck.
Just finished installing it this evening. Going to update the firmware, run thermal model, and PID tune tomorrow. Also installed the silicone bed mod and need to level everything out. Got a busy day tomorrow, wish me luck.
I might just be a cheap bastard, but why not get a CoreXY for that price?
They make hotends with quick swap nozzles? This picture is of the E3D Revo hotend replacing the stock E3D v6 in the Prusa MK3S+.
that’s a decent reason if you switch nozzles often. I leave a 0.6mm on my K1 Max permanently, best of both worlds
I had a .25 nozzle for small details but swapping is a pain in the ass with having to heat up to unscrew it. Then my heater block moves with it. Then you have to hope you don’t drop the hot nozzle on your bed and dent it (I know). I tend to print a variety of things so being able to quick swap will be nice.