Thank you. I’ll check it out.
Thank you. I’ll check it out.
Yeah I should look up some tutorials for it. I jumped in thinking I could figure it out after working with Creo, Solidworks and AutoCAD but I should have RTFM.
I know. I’m just comparing the reputation and how polished they are wrt to each other. Given they have similar scopes with modeling and graphics and everything.
FOSS CAD softwares. I know FreeCAD exists but it’s very unintuitive compared to the proprietary ones. I am thankful that it exists but it’s a long way apart to become a household name like Blender.
I wish I could start writing one but I don’t have a clear picture of requirements to plan and start writing one. If anyone is expert in this field please link some research papers and guidelines for someone to start fresh.
Can you please post the repo of your template for people who are interested?
I am not sure how legal this is, since Spotify exposes the API only for premium customers. But have a look at this project that is written in Rust and uses the aforementioned API to stream
Yeah, he did showcase XMPP in a way that normal users care about. I’m excited to try this with my friends and family using one of those open servers and later spin up a prosody server myself.
Do check on eMacs. I know it does a fantastic job for org mode but I’m not fully aware how close markdown support is.
So something like eMacs with org mode and has pandoc under it to export to various outputs?
I am confused what would be the combined functionality of the merged product. Do you need to output of converted files to be added to git when a document is version controlled?
No Pandoc isn’t an editor by any means. It’s an document conversion tool. Think converting a Markdown file into an docx or html or epub or pptx or pdf (via LaTeX or ConText). That’s what pandoc does.
I assume Mike Klubnika did the music for his games including Buckshot Roulette.