…just a little kiddie diddlin’ so mossad’s comfortable letting her on the inside track…
…which are essentially the entire electorate and media apparatus supporting both parties…
…he’d’ve resoundingly trounced trump if the democratic party hadn’t conspired against him in 2016, but if he won the executive the democratic party would have done everything in their power to make sure his administration was no more effectual than carter’s…
…with some clever geometry, it could be sized for metric-integer weight, length, and volume…
…those are some tiny potatoes or ginormous bananas in either case…
…if you’re into paper books (and a hefty table) the DK complete world atlas includes a lot of geographic information, or if you prefer a dryer, more-authoritative presentation, the times world atlas is the grandaddy of the format…
…it looks like DK also offers a digital version of their previous editon…
(i have the millenium editions of both atlases, and they’re both fantastic tomes, but i think the DK complete atlas is more of what you’re looking for)
(i’m sorry, i don’t recognise most of what you wrote there)
…looks pretty much the same on bing maps, except they’re so committed that they named it twice…
…but it’s not in any way contiguous with south america; that would be the caribbean sea…
…putin got us into this mess and couldn’t be happier…
…what name?..
…by contrast to airwolf…
…so, like, the way that text renders is kind of how i perceive everything after i’ve gone a bit too hard on the yerba maté, starting around 500 mg caffeine…
beep-beep-beep-beep! beep. beep.