now this is a good leftist meme
All my posts represent my employer
now this is a good leftist meme
How would you do rizz buzz with this?
There’s nothing more foss coded than furries
For ad hoc transfers, easiest way is to pack it with 7zip (or any other compression software with proper encryption) and setting a proper password for the file
The funniest solution I’ve found was a service that offered secure transfer of passwords between devices through their “encrypted transmission” with a password field on their website
FYI, don’t give any password to a service you aren’t using with that service
Add sponsorblock and you’re set for life
I feel like dgg is catching up solely because of enshittification of google
Great privacy (especially with addons), no chromium, ublock on mobile
Privacy matters the most to people who have something material to lose with it, this unfortunately for pr reasons (but fortunately for many other reasons) includes bigots