An extremely small number of surgeries that have been medically proven to improve outcomes of individuals is totally equivalent to supporting the rise of fascism. Sure buddy. Have fun supporting hatred and bigotry.
An extremely small number of surgeries that have been medically proven to improve outcomes of individuals is totally equivalent to supporting the rise of fascism. Sure buddy. Have fun supporting hatred and bigotry.
51% of the country just voted for an openly misogynistic, transphobic racist and the vast majority of them were on the right soooooooo.
I never said that Google is on the verge of collapse, nor did I defend them. I merely stated that Google is a corporation, driven by profit, and expecting Google to act in the interest of anything but their own profits is a fool’s fantasy. Quit putting words in people’s mouths. It’s unbecoming of anyone that wants to have a legitimate discussion and it’s just toxic.
You know they wouldn’t get paid if nobody watched the ads. And if they didn’t get paid they wouldn’t have any reason to pay to run the site. Explaining that a corporation will not run a site like YouTube for free (which it wouldn’t even be, it costs a lot of money to run) if they weren’t getting paid. Quit attacking other users simply for pointing out facts. It’s beneath you (I think)
Glad to be here - and thank you to all of you who’ve been building this place so we had somewhere to go!
I’ll at least be satisfied with being on the right side of history.