Which was proven to cause ulcers by an abrasive scientist drinking a culture and getting them.
Which was proven to cause ulcers by an abrasive scientist drinking a culture and getting them.
The ones that were blamed for the fire and started the majors loss of liberties for all under the Auth right Nazis?
OSS gives us the option of forking the code and going a better way, if needed.
Tiananmen Square was debunked?
I mean, I was alive when the pics came out. Been aware of the censorship. Had friends from China and friends who worked there tell me about the complete avoidance of the subject.
Oh, and I’m not a bot, though you could be protecting your psyche by saying everyone who pushes back on this is.
It is just as foolish to not admit to the atrocities done by one government as it is for any other.
Weird story time: My great grandfather was obviously the source of the autism in our family line. Man could not read social subtext to save his life. He felt driven to find some sort to group to belong to that had set meetings and such. For a 5 year span, he joined, like, everyone. Elks, masons, you name it. When we were helping him clean out his house in the early 90s we found a KKK uniform. We asked about it. Apparently it was billed as a men’s group and they just had costumes made. He went along with it for a few meeting and then the extracurriculars were discussed at his last meeting. He finally got the point of it. He got out. We had his calendar book from that year(and every year from the 30s-retirement) and we saw the date where he started crossing out the KKK meeting times.
Why he kept it? It was the best work his wife had ever done.
Several years later I asked my grandfather if his dad was racist. Basically, he said that his dad had gotten in trouble for not understanding the racist, unwritten policies he was supposed to enforce and kept asking why, as there was no logic to them.
Ok. So the censorship of RedNote is mandated by the CCP in order for them to persist. Shitter is doing what they are by their own choice.
Just one is washed out.
I honestly never understood the idea that it was gold. It solidified for me that some people just don’t have the depth of color perception that others do.
How about the New Madrid fault? Apparently that is the new MAH-drehd. I fought against that one, mostly because folks laughed at me for pronouncing it like the rest of the entire world would expect.
So glad they pushed back.
Agreed, but please remember that this is the same under fascism and communism.
It has SWARES!! SWARES, I tell you!
Also, DEI is trying to diversify the points of view in the workplace. Homogeny of thought is NOT better when it comes to problem solving. Varied voices can create amazing solutions to problems one didn’t know really existed. If allowed, it builds creativity.
Well, it WAS impressively shielded as well.
There aremore very bad milk-substitute ice creams than bad regular ice creams. It may be the age of the market, though.
Lazy parasite class?
I love the cliff notes of B5, but, good gods, the acting and writing was horrific.
Woof. So sorry.
I heard that damned theme song as I read it.