To be fair, that’s most likely a CloudFlair problem and not a malicious action from Bambu. CloudFlair is a curse on the internet and websites that use it should be shunned and ridiculed.
To be fair, that’s most likely a CloudFlair problem and not a malicious action from Bambu. CloudFlair is a curse on the internet and websites that use it should be shunned and ridiculed.
Certainly. But that’s not what the vast majority of users want to do though.
Prusa and Qidi are 2 places to start.
There are other brands you can look at. Try looking at Qidi to see if that meets your needs.
There are licenses can be changed. Even you admit it.
You have never had older software devices go bad have you? It’s not only cloud connected stuff you lose.
This is a risk with any item that requires software to function. Companies can change software licensees, lock-in buyers, and even open source can flat out abandon a project.
I just bought a Bambu Mini to sit along side my trusty 6 year old Mk3s+ and this pisses me off to no end. I was expecting my mini to simply be abandoned rather than suffer a lock-in AND then abandonment. So, I guess I won’t be updating my firmware nor will I run anything through their cloud. I was thinking of uploading a few designs to their cloud. But that ain’t going to happen now.
PLA is more resistant to degradation than it often has a reputation for. So yeah, it can holdup pretty well in a lot of use cases. For most, PLA frames would probably hold up just fine until they needed a new prescription. The issue with either common consumer PLA or PETG, is you can’t be sure of just how anyone person will react to the constant contact with the material over time. Allergies can popup with continuous exposure. As always:YMMV
Oh sooo much of it is not good. But when you find the good stuff, it was worth the struggle.
That still isn’t a true 3D move.
I knew I should have bought the Qidi X-Smart3 instead of the A1 Mini…
Sure if you want a safe, durable, powerful firearm. Problem is, a new 3 axis machining center will cost over $50,000US, requires 3phase power, a large air compressor, specialized knowledge, tools, and skills far beyond a Bambu A1 combo. And running expenses are more than you make in a day. Plus they weight 10,000lbs/4500kg.
It’s not bloody likely you are going to get one into your 3rd floor apartment. Let alone find and outlet to plug into.
Well achtually…To be pedantic,
A 3D consumer grade printer is not a true 3D tool since it can only move on 2 axis simultaneously. If you watch your printer closely, as it finishes it’s path around the xy plane, there is a tiny halt as it changes active plane from the xy plane to xz plane, lifts the nozzle, then flips the active back to the xy to go along it’s merry way again to lay down the new layer. And no, the hot new scarf joint is still a single plane movement. Sometimes such machines are incorrectly referred to as 2 1/2 axis because they aren’t true 3 axis.
Source: I’m an old retired toolmaker. Trust me Bro.
Isn’t that what taxation pretty much does? Takes money and redistributes it?
You can be benevolent, but you can’t satisfy everyone. Those are two different things. I can care about people, but I can’t feed every starving person. I can work to rescue as many as I can, but I cannot save everyone.
And the larger the group you are trying to lead, the less likely it is that you can satisfy the needs of all of them. And sometimes, you might even need to be cruel in the moment to be kind over the long run to do the most good.
I can’t even blame spez for becoming that asshat. Trying to ride herd on something as large, diverse, and popular as reddit has become, requires someone who is willing to be an asshat.
If you ever find yourself in charge a group of diverse people remember that you will never satisfy everyone. And a lot of the time the best you can hope for is to piss off everyone equally.
Pretty much
Meh. He’s got money and can move to Texas or maybe Cancun. I hear the weather and electrical grid in Texas is fine this time of year.
It’s still a valid open source license–like it or not. And it DOES offer protections from rapacious corporations that will hold up in court.
Don’t be so surprised that this blade will cut in two directions. The onus is on you to read and understand.
Since your printer will be drawn from “old stock” on the shelf, it’s more than likely it will have the old firmware included. Now, the new slicer versions may not function with it anymore-- and that may include Orca. But that remains to be seen.