That’s definitely a more productive solution
That’s definitely a more productive solution
Why stop at Berkshire? Vandalize any home that sits vacant. We have more vacant homes than homeless in America. We just need to make vacant homes too big of a risk
Legend of Legia is my goat PS1 game that rarely gets the love it deserves. I loved the combat/combo system that allowed you to use the end part of one art into the beginning of another art was so awesome. The story was great and the characters were wonderful. It was such a fun unique take on jrpgs of the day
I’ll die before I apologize for linux
Honestly just boycott eating out. Pay your employees fair wages and get rid of tipping or let the industry die
I use a Lenovo M9 tablet and Readera as an e-reader and Smart Audiobook player and am very happy with it. Both apps are free without ads but also have a paid version with a couple extra features. I hop on wifi and connect to calbre-web download all the books I want and then turn wifi off for maximum privacy
Best 300 bucks I ever spent