Have you ever actually tried a haptic touchpad? I have and honestly they are so much better everything else feels like a joke in comparison.
Also no it won’t have a physical click, that defeats the purpose. It’s also not the same as tap to click, it uses a force sensor.
You’re passionate about something you don’t understand and have never tried.
Tap to click you remove your finger and press it back down to click. That’s why it’s called tap to click and not press to click.
With haptic touchpads you keep your finger where it is and apply more force. It’s a completely different gesture and is very similar to mechanical clicking touchpads.
Why it’s better is because it is consistent across the whole touchpad surface versus mechanical typically don’t work towards the top of the touchpad. Mechanical touchpads normally feel loose to me and you can’t change the actuation force. With a haptic touchpad you can change the actuation force since it’s a force sensor with a software defined threshold.
It also doesn’t feel anything like phone haptics. It feels more like a press than a vibration like a phone does.
These are also higher quality touchpads in general that have more resolution. Theoretical even better than the Apple force touch devices I have used.
Walk into an Apple store and try one of their devices before you complain again.