Personally, I think you’re making things too complicated at this point. If you are just starting out you don’t need to add periodization. That’s for when you are really pushing heavy weights or doing things you cannot recover from quickly.
Personally, I think you’re making things too complicated at this point. If you are just starting out you don’t need to add periodization. That’s for when you are really pushing heavy weights or doing things you cannot recover from quickly.
I don’t see why not. I would do them after the lat pull downs.
If just general fitness is what you’re going for then a solid program like starting strength is great to build a base and then go on from there. This is a more advanced program that is focused more on muscle size and you need to have a good mind/body connection to get the most out of it. Building a base first would help a lot.
For pull ups, what I did to go from 0-1 was doing a lot of negatives. So I’d jump up to the top position and hold it and then I’d slowly let myself down as controlled as possible. That worked for me better than lat pull downs.
It all depends on your goals. Are you looking to do a bodybuilding program? Those exercises are all good but lack compound movements which should be the core of your program if you are able.
How much training have you done? Are you just starting out?
TPU is a great choice for dog toys and a lot of them are manufactured from it! It doesn’t provide a good environment for bacteria to grow and is also used in medical equipment.
You’ll want to make sure that the toy is big enough for your dog and I think I’d use enough infill and walls to make it extra strong since puppers can have crazy strong jaws.
Yes that’s cool and all but omg what pillow are you using because I need that
Some filaments will clog a lot and may even destroy the nozzle. Anything with carbon fibers in it I would avoid.
I have non-ironically gotten responses like this