You also get some medication in bottles in Europe, but pills in blisters are more common.
You also get some medication in bottles in Europe, but pills in blisters are more common.
The idea is that overdosing is more difficult because it takes more effort. Accidental overdosing is also less likely. A bottle you can put to your mouth an just put it all in at once.
It also has the advantage of being able to cut off some off the blister, so you can take four or whatever pills with you without having to use extra packaging.
Matrix/Element has shitty usability and reliability compared to Discord.
For lots of communities, they could use modern forum software like Discourse with better results.
Socialism? Americans would be happy to have health care, better workers‘ rights, affordable education. Just like most other advanced economies in Europe, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and so on. That’s not socialism, that’s capitalism with regulations and social programs. Nobody really wants socialism, which was as utter failure everywhere it was tried.
Run Linux in a VM and share the file system with macOS.
Parallels has really great integration.
A forum where trolls congregate to gossip and organize harassment.
Your wall of text is ahistorical. Yugoslavia is a counter example. They received American aid after WW2 to rebuild.
Half of Europe lived under real socialism and it was a fucking terrible time for many reasons.
During the Cold War the Soviet led block and the non aligned movement together had sufficient resources, knowledge, and people to get their shit together independently of the US.