This is true. I meditated in the desert and gained the ability to see the future.
This is true. I meditated in the desert and gained the ability to see the future.
Still shitposting.
Tankies also don’t believe in gardening. They think the idea of food coming out of the ground for free is a pie in the sky delusion. Food obviously comes from the food factory, which is too big to be run by local communities.
Shush, I’m shitposting
Yeah. Linux is anarchist. Tankies don’t believe in Linux because it functions without state ownership. They think it’s a CIA psyop.
That’s the plot of an episode of Lower Decks
Maybe using a communist OS will radicalise them to the left
Now that he’s on a communist OS, maybe he’ll adopt some other communist/anarchist views
Like not saying the N word
Reddit is bad and we shouldn’t use it.