Laundry day, see you there, under things, tumbling
Laundry day, see you there, under things, tumbling
Journals are such a scam. Pay us so we can charge other people to read your work
Oh I didn’t feel like you were attacking me, rather I appreciated you posting her name
I was blanking on her name. Sadly she is almost never given the credit she deserves
Uh, that discovery actually predated Einstein. He simply explained how the speed of light was constant for all observers
To be more accurate actually, he and his first wife explained it
Since dipshits are down voting me for being right, I’ll just leave this here
This is a miss understanding. Deleting it doesn’t actually delete the data, just the meta data. Overwrite it and it’s gone forever
Completely unnecessary. Overwriting the whole drive with zeros completely stops anyone from being able to recover anything
That’s 45^2. Which is 2025
Battle for wesnoth is such a great game
If you can see it, it’s reflecting light
I second mint, back when I had more time to fuck with such things I distro hopped like crazy, mint is easy and it just works
Not saying it was a bad game, I’ve beaten it, but it was originally not a Mario game, hence the joke
Here I go, mumbling