Clean hands, Cool head, Warm heart.

GP, Gardener, Radical progressive

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024

  • The budget deficit has been reducing over time under the current government, the man promoting nuclear is Dutton the opposition leader, his plans for nuclear power are being criticized as expensive, he is being portrayed as stupid in promoting nuclear which would reverse the trend of reducing deficits.

    It’s a bit convoluted and not particularly funny but it does make sense.

  • I’m very much a privacy amateur but am interested in comments on my set up, I’m sure it’s not ideal.

    I use firstname@lastname.tld for personal email. Anything @lastname.tld forwards to my main email so for the rare occasion I need to access Facebook my account is facebook@lastname.tld and so on for any other untrustworthy sites.

    I can easily block emails from a leak or just if unsubscribing is made difficult.