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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • lol I like that pause button idea!

    Agreed to not overdo it. I’m trying to coach my SO on every automation so she can appreciate the added convenience too, which means keeping the automations logical and simple.

    My one exception to this is two light switches that will turn all lights in the house on or off with a quadruple press, in case I’m on my way out the door or to bed and want to make sure I turn off any lights I forgot about. That one I figure has to be hard enough to press that someone can’t accidentally turn on the bedroom lights in the middle of the night.

    The only thing inovelli is missing is presence detection. I have two of their upcoming mmWave switches on preorder that should take care of that though!

  • This is what I went with and god they are amazing. Automations can be made for pressing up, down, and the configure buttons for a hold, single, double, triple, quadruple, or event quintuple press.

    The only challenge is remembering what all of your automations are! But I use the double press automation daily to save me from running downstairs to turn off the lights and could not be happier with this product!

  • This post comes up fairly often, and I think it always narrows down to two options:

    1. Yale/august locks: -More affordable, -can buy hotswappable modules for zwave, zigbee, wifi, etc but the availability seems to be hot and miss (seems like they stopped making the zigbee one last I checked, but YMMV). -Battery backup option seems cool but I’ve seen more posts about it not working that saving someone’s bacon, so I’d personally opt for the keyed version. -Some posts indicate the screens are somewhat prone to failure, but the quantity of these posts is not enough for me to write them off entirely. -integrates easily with homeassistant -has a door closed sensor for auto-relocking. Apparently it’s buggy though.

    2. Schlage (specifically the encode plus, but they have a more affordable encode option) -Apple homekey integration is sleeeeek -more expensive -was almost impossible to find until a couple weeks ago -almost no reports of reliability issues, but time will tell I guess! This was the main reason I decided to spring for this lock over Yale -was supposed to get a free update to matter, but Schlage changed their minds and now said a separate model will be released with it. Supposedly due to requirements published about the standard, but I’ll cross my fingers that someone figures out how to make it work. -last I checked, no one has been able to integrate this directly into homeassistant. The best I’ve seen is someone posted a hacky solution for homeassistant to trigger an automation in HomeKit, but I think that post was lost in the Reddit blackout.

  • Yeah they are definitely the more expensive route. But with that, you definitely get a more reliable product. The Yale/august products are a close second place at a price that is easier to swallow, but there are more issues reported online about reliability.

    Figured the added price was worthwhile for the price of mind of not ever risking getting locked out, but chances are you’ll be completely satisfied with one of the more reasonably priced options!