I appreciate it!
I’m still very much in the placing pieces as I go phase, and haven’t had to deal with many inclines. However, I am aware that vehicles can handle the 2m slopes and not the 4m slopes. As long as I approach any height difference with that in mind, my slope blueprints will clear. I’m also giving myself plenty of ground clearance and will place my supports under the road to appropriately blend. Then it doesn’t much matter if I’m a little higher up off the ground, but would generally like to keep it at around power tower height unless needed for the incline’s sake.
I also have bottom and top slope transition blueprints as well as slopes. I can use beams from there to gauge my distances to start or properly position the slopes direction.
These are well established political definitions, not something we just up and decided a few days ago. Political position along a left and right axis, defined in the context of the economic present, with a pro- or anti-capitalist stance on either side. “The Left” has more or less been defined by an anti-capitalism - pro-socialism stance for a long time, despite whatever labels some news outlets choose to use to demonize liberals and Democrats. They restrict definitions to the Overton window, just a sliver of the full political spectrum, which is firmly planted rightward, and promote the idea that the left side of the window is “The Left”. It isn’t. Many iberals and the democratic party are firmly pro-capitalist. It isn’t that they are good or bad leftists, they just aren’t leftists at all. We aren’t too busy figuring this out, we’ve been clear with these definitions for forever.