How’s that Kool aid taste? You’re not even worth debating, it’s clear you’re a lost cause. Keep believing this, and let the rage build inside you.
How’s that Kool aid taste? You’re not even worth debating, it’s clear you’re a lost cause. Keep believing this, and let the rage build inside you.
A sudden interest in cheating at pokemon go might benefit you. The majority of those spoof tools don’t modify the game, they convince your whole phone it’s somewhere else and the game goes along with it. It’s a constantly evolving cat and mouse game, so there’s a ton of tools that might not work for the game, but would still work fine for your purposes. I’d try the easiest method you find despite any warnings that it doesn’t work with pokemon go anymore.
All the water in the air is usually one water at a time
Im still partial to the 1957 borders agreed upon in the board game RISK.
When I took handwriting lessons I had to draw each number 100+ times in a row, so I guess I could say I’ve been googoling since 1987
The original Xbox had a tray because it was basically a PC, and had a standard IDE CD-ROM with some minor changes. They weren’t standing apart, they were following the new standard of the time, PCs, and it was probably more to do with cost savings by using common parts. They also had a standard IDE HDD. Even their weird proprietary controller port they used on the original Xbox is just USB! Its the same wires, they just screwed up the pinout. you can replace one of those weird controller ports with a normal female USB and then plug all sorts of USB devices into the Xbox and they just work.
I only single out the Xbox because I’ve taken them apart, I imagine the PS2 is similar. At least PS2 didn’t intentionally mess up their USB ports.
Can we be neighbors?
Just don’t install it alongside Windows.