Try to immigrate to the US and see how true that is. I’m also in a profession sources like that state as being skilled work but come application time, I was deemed worthless due to my profession, despite there being an outcry for workers.
Try to immigrate to the US and see how true that is. I’m also in a profession sources like that state as being skilled work but come application time, I was deemed worthless due to my profession, despite there being an outcry for workers.
From a government perspective they are. If you ever try to immigrate to one of the “desired countries” you’ll quickly find out how worthless the average worker is in the eye of a pen pusher.
You’d have more chance of winning if you bet on the latter, I’ll say that much.
And with that, I’m looking forward to acquiring the complete edition.
The answer to this point is in a comment further down. But the point you’re missing is how often professions are downplayed as unskilled. Someone messes up in my field and someone dies, but that’s considered unskilled despite it being a profession where there’s constantly an outcry for more workers.