All numbers I’ve seen for record applications were for high level research and university level teaching. Maybe the medical doctors mainly moved states? At least I haven’t seen them making headlines about moving to Europe.
All numbers I’ve seen for record applications were for high level research and university level teaching. Maybe the medical doctors mainly moved states? At least I haven’t seen them making headlines about moving to Europe.
And as far as I’ve seen the numbers it’s working too. Anywhere in Europe that is academic or sciency is seeing record numbers of Americans applying. The brain drain will be real.
Also never underestimate how many bots there are. And how many users have 10+ accounts. Seeing less evidence of that on Lemmy so far, though who knows honestly.
Thank you! That’s indeed the info I was looking for. I’ll make sure I’ll probe in some related communities to see if there’s enough people interested. If there isn’t then that’s fine. If there is I now know how to do the technical side of things. Thanks!
Makes sense. I guess I can start off posting about my hobbies in places that are sort of related, even if it doesn’t quite fit entirely. Thanks for likely saving me some frustration.
And I’m ready for the Reddit breakup. I haven’t even received a warning or anything like that, but found out half of everything I ever did on there was shadow banned. I’m done giving that page my attention. Next step is removing all of my history so that my comments and posts that they deemed “wothy” don’t bring traffic to the site. If I can still be bothered after I’ll see how long it takes me to speed run a ban.
Makes sense. This is doing decades of damage. Plenty of past groundbreaking research came out of the US. But I get it. I wouldn’t want to move to the US either for very much the same reasons. Lack of affordable healthcare, lack of paid holidays and gun safety would be the main reasons. Lack of food regulation would also be a concern. And now the current regime and the way too large chunk of the population that still seems happy with it means we put even tourist travel plans to the US on hold. Too scary at the moment. Trying to help the best I can from here, but there’s only so much you can do at a distance.