Thank you for your
Thank you for your
If only we had a time machine. We could go back to 1998 and assassinate Joe Meme before he ever invented the damn things. That’s what I would do. Oh and take care of baby Hitler.
True neckbeards are born with it. It’s only the posers that get theirs by injecting PFAS into their balls.
I’ve been watching a japanese sword master on YT demonstrating moves. It’s very interesting how they decide when they pull it out which side of the curve they lead with, a choice they make in a split second, and the different attacks each method would have. Even European swords weren’t just sharp hammers, they had practical moves and defenses lost in the movies.
If you’ve followed the YT news you’d know this isn’t true. They literally advertise sex to kids in the ads. I watch a bunch of travel people, animal and history programs, and woodworking/handyman stuff. Never once clicked on a short cause they don’t cast. Every day they put up some Korean cheerleader or other bullshit I don’t give 2 shits about. YT algorithm is manipulative as fuck and sucks now. I get most of my vid referrals from outside sites.
I agree. Can you put the stl in the slicer and run thru the layers. See what happens around this height? I’ve had trouble with my prusa mk3 always shifting at the same height and it was a firmware issue. Happened out of the blue and a refresh fixed it.
Netflix won’t follow it. I have to use a pirate app to watch their shows in the dark cause the lowest brightness it allows is supernova
Best day ever, followed by the worst day ever. I had to go into work early that day :(
Great job guys. I love using it.
I’m using and it’s very stable. Nice after the instability of and although I could be bad luck and causing the devs to run.
The whole one size fits all approach to projects is such a waste of time. You spend just as much maintaining it as you do actual work. Hive and those apps can kiss my derriere.
Cause it has to memorize everybody’s number just in case you decide to call it. That’s why your cell phone doesn’t need a rotary dial anymore.
Lol. I run an open-saas ecom and everything is done live. No one but me handling it. The customers must think they are tripping sometimes. Updates are rarely perfect the first push.
98 million are bots