took me a long time to write this cause mobile, some subject matter stuff & retrospective on picard (honestly got really confused trying to remember the series as its all over the place in what its trying to do). So, sorry for slow reply!
took me a long time to write this cause mobile, some subject matter stuff & retrospective on picard (honestly got really confused trying to remember the series as its all over the place in what its trying to do). So, sorry for slow reply!
Don’t worry about it, like in my edit there is a lot going on the macro scale and i can imagine anyone that enjoys star trek is feeling the strain (streign?).
yeah i know the Kelvins are movies and you gotta give it more lax because movies need to hit wider audiences to justify the large budgets, that being said a low budget movie made by A24 in the trek universe would be something might actually go to the cinema to go see.
I feel the end of one is misguided because the AI hole monster is still like a thing? i mean i’m not going to lie the picard gollum lives rent free in my brain so when i try to remember what happened to the AI Tenticles from another dimension I think they just closed it but i feel like that still could be an issue, felt like dealing with the symptoms not the root issue? Also yeah the terrible CGI ships don’t help me remember that ending.
I would argue there is something very toxic about the borg queen & Jurati’s relationship but we know very little so i may be just imprinting bad experiences with codependcy. But season 2 is time travel so its like did all that version of the borg already exist or was it different and then i have to stop thinking cause at this point i think time travel in Star trek is only damaging things, though it’s like pandora’s box, you can’t close it now. Season 2 also hits hard because some of the subject matter follows a pattern of irl things happening in my childhood & i think it was mishandled in that season. like as a kid watching trek i’d clung onto the thought that if i’d been around in trek times things may have played out different cause we were better as a whole but season 2 kinda poorly inserted that but again i may be marred by my own experiences?
is ok, is a lot going on atm
Burnham was in the first season of picard? What?
Answering everything with combat & lasers? Like I love a good kirk fight on a rock outside cali but give me a well written “we are stronger together speech” or some introspective or our differences make us stronger together, which I think most trek has been able to do.looking at kelvin trek or picard & saying no thanks to that I think is fine?
I think on the mindset of what trek stands, bringing humanity together & tearing down divisions is really at the core. I think it’s completely fine to dissociate with elements of the media that seem to go contrary to that when you want to engage with something that pushes the idea of a positive future.
On this subject, anyone know of a good anterprise D model & where to get it?