If there is enough pressure to make neutrons, we are well past making iron. They are pushed into the core regardless if they are bound to the classical orbits or in a plasma state, the latter at these pressures really does not mean anything anymore, the electrons can freely move in any case.
The + charge of the nucleus is accelerated to the electrons, so it first gets faster, then just as much slower again when it flies past them.
I don’t think i’m getting what you said or you are not getting what I said. It makes no sense to me(not about charge attract thing, but the overall argument). Does the nucleus accelerate when there is electrone cloud on all directions? It just cancels out. But i don’t think nucleus will freely move if temperature is low. You don’t apply pressure to the nucleus, you apply it to the electron cloud around. Nucleus won’t fly off the electron cloud because they are bound by electrons attracting in all directions. Only way I can see neutrons moving is when enough temperature is supplied. Otherwise its just squishing electrons into the nucleus(before squishing nucleii together). I don’t understand why you keep it does not matter because there is so much pressure or so. Clarify why you said so
If there is enough pressure to make neutrons, we are well past making iron. They are pushed into the core regardless if they are bound to the classical orbits or in a plasma state, the latter at these pressures really does not mean anything anymore, the electrons can freely move in any case.
The + charge of the nucleus is accelerated to the electrons, so it first gets faster, then just as much slower again when it flies past them.
Umm why are they accelerated to electrons?
For the same reason nuclei repel each other: opposite charges attracted each other, same charge repels.
I don’t think i’m getting what you said or you are not getting what I said. It makes no sense to me(not about charge attract thing, but the overall argument). Does the nucleus accelerate when there is electrone cloud on all directions? It just cancels out. But i don’t think nucleus will freely move if temperature is low. You don’t apply pressure to the nucleus, you apply it to the electron cloud around. Nucleus won’t fly off the electron cloud because they are bound by electrons attracting in all directions. Only way I can see neutrons moving is when enough temperature is supplied. Otherwise its just squishing electrons into the nucleus(before squishing nucleii together). I don’t understand why you keep it does not matter because there is so much pressure or so. Clarify why you said so