Hi everyone! I’m the developer of a clipboard manager that I know many of us Linux users here might know, called just The Clipboard Project.

I’ve spent the past couple months working on a bunch of speed optimizations, little fixes, and a really cool new feature for Linux only: asynchronous X11/Wayland clipboard synchronization. What that means is that you can copy stuff in the background and your CB clipboard will pick it all up automatically.

If that sounds awesome, then you can get the brand-spanking-new 0.8.2 version at https://github.com/Slackadays/Clipboard or this post’s link (thanks, Lemmy!)

  • jnarical@ttrpg.network
    1 year ago

    There’s a gif on GitHub page, but it doesn’t make it obvious (for me) if this software can help with “regular” copy/paste. What if I’m logged into two tty sessions at once, can I copy text in nano in one tty and paste it in other editor, like micro, in the other tty? With some universal hotkey?