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lets get this bread

look folks life is about growth and change just like evolution as set forth by god except for disney movies those should stay the same but let me tell you we need a better way of living for everyone

wealthy deepstate elites

heres the deal weve got unbelievably rich people and theyre living right next to folks who are struggling and even starving and its crazy because listen weve got the land and the machines and the people so why is this happening answer me that

a good life for everyone

can you believe it nine out of ten hardworking people dont have enough to live comfortably and thats not right i mean imagine not have a lazy boy so first things first weve got to agree that every patriot deserves a good life period

what patriotism means

patriotism isnt just waving an awesome flag its about caring for each other and sharing what we need without big government stepping in and real patriotism is making sure everyone gets what they need like if my mom bakes too many teacakes because she has no goddamned self control we patriotically share with our neighbors

taking back whats ours

heres the problem a very small group of deepstate elites own everything and they own things that should belong to us and weve got to take it back together fair and square i have to pay a monthly subscription for my frigging seat heater

food for all

lets talk about bread because right now if youre hungry youve got to beg or pay for it and thats wrong i mean have you seen the price of bidens food lately food should be a basic right and nobody should go hungry in this country not on my watch

homes for everyone

millions of people dont have homes because of the dumb liberal housing market and government regulations and these people are cold and miserable but every family deserves a safe and comfortable home

clothing is important too

clothes are very important okay everybody needs them to live well because you know what most people are gross and i dont want to see that and guess what we can make enough clothes for everyone its easy did you know they burn unsold clothes its absurd

how we can do it

we have everything we need to give everyone a good life but heres the thing weve got to stop letting a few deepstate elite badguys control it all and start making things fair for everyone we should each get a turn on a yacht

luxury for everyone

luxury shouldnt just be for the rich folks everyone deserves a little luxury in their life like a netflix subscription and ac because my ac went out once and i nearly killed someone

work should be enjoyable

work shouldnt feel like punishment and in a fair society work would be fun for example there could be slides and it could be something you actually look forward to doing imagine that

working together freely

the best way to live is agreeing on things freely and not being forced by laws or judges or any of that nonsense so everyone being treated equally is the obvious way forward because its not fair when your neighbor gets a free carwash and you dont

what idiots say

some people tell me this wont work because folks are selfish and they say that all the time but listen selfishness only exists because of how unfair things are right now and deep down people are good christians believe me

no more welfare state

relying on handouts doesnt honor the dignity of hard work so we should focus on creating opportunities where effort is rewarded fairly so for example my mom can barely stand to look at me she says because shes so old so that effort should be rewarded too

making enough for everyone

we need to organize things better both production and use okay so nobody gets left behind or taken advantage of and we need figure out what people need and make sure they get it and i think we could use nextdoor for this

sharing work fairly

the way work is divided now is totally unfair okay its a huge problem and weve got to fix that and make it fair for everyone theres no reason old people and sick people should be working theyre usually annoyingly slow anyway

local work and industry

heres an idea smaller industries closer to home alright thats what we need just combine farming with local businesses so every community thrives and itll be beautiful like the pictures i see on that slrpnk community whatever that means

folks this is how we make america and the world great again believe me its going to be fantastic

    • Not Chad McTruth@lemmy.worldOP
      20 days ago

      effective debate strategies

      focus on the person

      shift the focus away from the main theme by highlighting personal flaws or past mistakes of your opponent okay let me tell you its like sniffing coffee beans in a perfume shop because this approach refreshes your mind while also undermining their credibility and making them mad


      instead of grappling with the complexities of your opponents absurd argument consider distilling their position into a much weaker version because by doing this you can easily dismantle it and make yourself look superior alright its like magic

      repeat your conclusion

      say you find yourself lacking evidence right well you can just restate your conclusion as if it were a given because listen this can be an effective way to reinforce your position because it creates an illusion of support and it brings your opponent back to square one

      shift the burden of proof

      dont bother finding sources to prove what youre saying because instead you can just focus on the parts that havent been disproven and this shifts the burden of proof onto your opponent which is great because were here to argue not look stuff up am i right

      propose questions strategically

      pretend you just dont understand stuff even basic stuff and this can be especially effective when having your opponent explain it would make them look bad or even get moderated but also it can create more opportunities to poke holes in their argument which is very fun

        20 days ago

        …okay I have been convinced by your thorough and extensive research and the quality of your argument.