A HK comedy film with horror elements, maybe my expectations were skewed by seeing that many sequels had been made for this and so it must be “that good”. There are some genuinely laugh out loud moments in this, such as the scene where they meet in a fancy “western tea” house and have no idea what to do, drinking a gulp of coffee and then a gulp of cream and putting sugar on their custards like you would your coffee. But for the most part I found the humor to be kind of tiring and on the nose. The horror elements aren’t done very well either. The makeup and fx really look low effort. I don’t know, maybe this concept of a Chinese vampire comedy was just so novel at the time that it gained a reputation. I mean I still like the film, but I definitely don’t see the hype it generated, especially when compared to superior HK genre films like A Chinese Ghost Story.

⭐⭐1/2 out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐