to me i’ve always thought of the jump pack as a kind of gag stratagem, don’t get me wrong i love using it, but it seems outclassed by almost everything else you could bring. one area where it does shine is in automaton missions, where you often need to get into a base and call down a hellbomb. the jump pack is great at skipping past the walls surrounding automaton bases, and getting right to the objective. at least a few times, i’ve used this strategy to great effect. i’ve seen a few clips of helldivers using it to jump onto factory striders and tanks, to then deliver stratagems directly to these heavy targets. personally, i’m not skilled (or brave!) enough to attempt this, but it sure looked cool.

anyway, what do you think about the jump pack, and what ways are you using it to spread democracy?

    8 months ago

    It’s great. Take counterdiligence rifle, jump on top of a tall structure and click on heads. The best part about it is that certain structures, you dont even have to worry about berserkers mobbing you. If they can’t reach they just stand there waiting.

    If you want to do this, I recommend taking one of the stealth armors so enemies dont see you as easily