Been seeing a lot of outrage thrown at them recently their protests and been seeing a lot of people trying to disrupt these protesters for “disrupting” them and that they could cause inconvenience to emergency services but at the same time,I feel as though these actions are necessary sort of to better spread the message since the bourgeois media is going to turn a blind eye to it. So, since I’m not really familiar with the whole thing, I want to see what you think of them.
ineffective liberals. They should be spending their time organizing with socialists, trying to actually take power, not doing protests that the bourgeoisie will just ignore anyways
At the same time, most westerners don’t even know they need to be organising. Attempts like this—and their ultimate failure —can radicalise the people involved and people watching. Because one day, they’ll ask, why isn’t this working. And the spirit of a revolutionary will start to visit them in their dreams.
We don’t have time for people to come to their own conclusions, we needed socialism yesterday to begin the transition to clean energy
The soup painting people? I don’t know much about them, but I hope they start blowing up pipelines. That would be based.
Creating oil spills is based now?
I’m sure there are plenty of in construction pipelines that could be targeted.