Question inspired by a Charley horse that hit in the middle of the night.
Having to go to school for classes I don’t like
Maybe one day I’ll get there too, but not today
You will I promise :) I’ve had my heart broken badly 3 times in my life so far.
The first one I needed antidepressants to kick me out of the slump, the other two were hard as well but with time and distractions and new hobbies and interests, the pain fades. Just be patient and talk to yourself like you are your own little brother/sister. Treat yourself like another person and take care of that person. Give them the love they need to get through the heartbreak.
College exams. Life after graduation has its own stresses but nothing was more stressful to me than having 6-7 exams coming up and having to spend so much time and effort preparing for stuff I don’t care about that much.
At some point it got so bad I’d wake up a few times at night drenched in sweat a day before exams. Yeesh. I guess it was partly my fault for taking it too seriously but I couldn’t switch that off.
School in general. It was so much work. Homework is torture, at least now once my day is finished I don’t have to worry about it until the next morning.
So few responsibilities while in school, though. I think about this often. I don’t know how anyone stays on top of everything that needs doing as an adult. Work, bills, laundry, dishes, cleaning/tidying, cooking, meal planning, shopping, trash, recycling, healthy sleep,… It’s endless.
Now that you say it, actually highschool was pretty chill. I was living on my own in college, so it was your whole list, plus classes, plus homework, and that was the real hell.
I have exams coming in five days. As the exams get near, i really get stressed. I often dont even eat anything and get less sleep.
Swallowing while having strep throat.
A scooter hitting me in the shin
Loneliness, it got replaced by headache and sleep deprivation. Fair trade tho.
edit: got also financial problems too
Ayyy, sleep deprivation buddy! I’ve been up since 5 AM and feel like absolute death. :)
Yeaaaaaah I wish that sleep deprivation was a pain I hadn’t felt in years…
One thing that I haven’t seen people talk about when dealing with sleep deprivation is how your digestive system slows down or gets grumblier. I’d imagine those who suffer from IBS would get it worse when they can’t sleep. As for me, I find treating myself as if I’m sick can help: warm broth and crackers and other simple, easy to digest foods can settle my stomach after a sleepless night
Getting shocked.
I used to help my father-in-law on the farm and he had an electric fencer for the barnyard that was way too powerful for the length of fence it was hooked up to. I knew that; what i didn’t know was that it was grounding out on a piece of flashing on the barn. It put me on my ass.
He also has this electric fencing that’s made out of rope with small metal strands woven into it. That shit hurts too but in a different way. Maybe because there are more points of contact.
I got shocked doing some wiring last week and it was nothing compared to the electric fence.
Interesting. I have a mild (probably healthy) phobia of getting shocked when I’m doing wiring around the house. And I was “acquainted” with electric fences on farms as a kid. I’ve been imagining house wiring would feel similar.
One time I took a solo 1.5 hour flight and on the descent I suddenly felt a tingling on the top of my head and down my face, which quickly turned into a feeling like someone chopped an axe into the top of my head. I felt an excruciating pain on the top center of my head , behind my eyes and down my face and was trying not to react in front of all the other passengers. The pain was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. By the time we landed and I got off the plane the sharpness of the pain subsided but I had a bad headache for 2 days after. I thought I might die honestly and it spun me into such a bad anxiety attack. I did some searching and only found one post ever of something similar happening to someone else and it was from sinus pressure. I wasn’t sick at all or stuffed up so it was surprising. So now when I fly I pop Sudafed and blow my nose frequently and basically have a panic attack on the descent because of my fear of it happening again.
Oh my god same! I’m prone to allergies so I figured it came from the pressure changing upon decent decent but I would have freaked out if I hadn’t known what it was! Hurt like a bitch, I could even feel my tear ducts pulsing!
Enduring other peoples mental emotional bullshit especially to keep a job. Feeling like I have no choices but to kill myself with work to survive. Mental maturity, having goals to work for, and learning to stand up for myself/not tolerate retarded whacky monkey bullshit from fellow human beings has done wonders for me. My young adult years were miserable, it got much better.
Going to meet my father (going to hurt booth of us, i know that he “reguarly” drives the 10 hours from north to south and i exploit him for my move to south)
It will hurt me because he is difficult and him because i will give him no contact informationGall stones… thought l had the worst wind,.paced the floor all night…turns out, gall bladder was having a bad time
Did you end up passing the gall stones on your own or did you have to go to the hospital/ have your gallbladder removed? I have heard that gall stones is the most painful experience ever.
I seem to be constantly on the receiving end of painful experiences, so it’s kinda constant. That being said all 3 of my grandmothers have died so I can’t go through that again.
Dislocated shoulder was the worst for me. The pain meds didn’t help at all and I cried like a baby until the anaesthesia started.
I once had mine popped out then snap back in again while surfing after a hurricane. I got drilled into the bottom shoulder first and felt it separate then it clicked back into place. I then had to get back to shore with one arm, got driven over to a rocky section I had to climb out over (board required minor repairs). I have no idea why I didn’t drown that day. My arm was f’d for a long time.
Much cooler story than mine though. I ordered food, went to the door, slipped on the stairs and tried to grab the handrail while falling.
At least I had some nice Indian food waiting for me when I came back from the ER.
Edit: btw it was fascinating that I immediately knew it was a dislocated shoulder. I never had it before, never had major bones broken or torn ligaments. I still knew, like three seconds after I fell what it was.
Brain freeze. Does the ability to get it go away as you get older or something?
It does not, courtesy of this recent brain-freezee lol.
I think we’re just unintentionally smarter about how we consume things?
Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth to warn it more quickly.
No, I get them worse than ever now.
Drinking water helps it go away faster.
Haven’t touched a windows machine in 25 years.
neither has Norman Fell
Living the good life.