It’s excruciatingly obnoxious to have to rely on third party sources for what should be a first-party feature.

Like, I select all and then search a query. “Oh no, nobody on your server used a third party service to find it, so you won’t see it here.”

Like, how short-sighted is that, really? If I search for a string in the ‘all’ servers, I should have a list of ‘all’ the servers containing that string.

It’s a really simple concept. Not sure why this post even has to be made, but I’m wondering if there’s something I can do to make these ‘features’ more intuitive.

    2 years ago

    This is not obvious to anyone who doesn’t have some understanding of how networking and federation work, which is most people. Especially if we’re talking about users who have only ever experienced centralized platforms.

    It should be called “Known Network” or something more transparent that doesn’t require an explanation of indexing