The Polish language. 😂
nie mówię po polsku
Polish man goes to opticians
Optician: Can you read the last line for me please?
Polish man: Read it ? I know the guy!
The vowel taxes are pretty high
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.
You stupid monkey!
We just need more, and eventually this meme will be complete.
Fjdossusn djdsuwjwksbddufb dhzvzbsj xjx xhxndbd jdjsid?
I’m not playing Scrabble with that monkey.
Xjxkdnsnaiaoskwo issnwis hsusqpsndj dksoshdj
Direct from the Trump re-election campaign.
Fkoonnjijohuuj ukkszddd cohfdsgh kfhbdsshjofds tlskvldkf rlckskflf ukbslcskv mdlkfshldldk pflgkfzmcm.
It’s basically Shakespeare
Lsslsosjsbgzbsbsk shsismwubs
Couple more of these bad boys and we should be reading some classy Shakespear in the caption. I am excited for the future.
Hklgdkfdagklbds kksffxmkhklnk
spdowpvpbke fdosqpwlexp ksskefkdpsp dovkwkvcmacnzv dadadkaskmdmkaaasdaaasdlcasxpcldadsd dkekemmd cmckfrqwfsdfgadfadferrgjak ssydloflwevjgjmxz adjfaif
Shit made me giggle.
Dkxxudhsbak didhsnsksiejebs
jdufufjevsufjf djfjd djdbduw did d djd dudbdhsifj