AI summary:

A Chilean journalist, Gonzalo Lira, who had been living in Ukraine, was arrested by the Security Service of Ukraine on suspicion of pro-Russian sympathies and criticizing the government. He had been detained before in April, released, and then rearrested for voicing views critical of the West and Ukraine’s government. He faced torture while imprisoned, then managed to post bail but decided to flee to Hungary for political asylum. He believed the Ukrainian government was setting him up to be arrested again. He went missing after attempting to cross the Ukrainian-Hungarian border. The situation highlighted concerns about free speech and the treatment of dissenters in Ukraine.

    1 year ago

    LOL unironically baying for Russian blood and demanding more tanks to be sent to the proxy war meat grinder and watching war footage and cheering as long as the narrative is Russians getting shot and then lacking self awareness to the degree that you call someone else a bootlicker? Will wonders never cease.