I have an HP Victus laptop that I’m trying to get to fully work. It has two GPUs. The integrated is an AMD and the discrete is an Nvidia. For about a month I’ve been attempting to get Debian 12 to see and use the Nvidia card. My knowledge on anything Linux is not strong.
I got as far as getting the proprietary driver loaded. I just couldn’t get anything to side load it when I launched anything.
I’ve stepped back a bit, and started to wonder if I’d have a better experience if I tried a different distro. I’ve heard some are better for multi-GPU situations like Manjaro.
So I guess I’m asking everyone if I should try jumping distros for this AMD/Nvidia situation?
I’ll give that a try this evening with a couple USB sticks. Besides the installer and that Manjaro delays the package releases, what would you say is the difference between Arch and Manjaro?
My first distro was actually LMDE on another laptop, and this time I just figured I’d try Debian this time. I know Manjaro is based on Arch like LMDE is to Debian.
Manjaro is aimed more at newcomers from what I know. You’re usually supposed to use GUIs instead of CLIs for a lot of thing. Personally, I don’t use it (Garuda and Endeavor are my favorites), but I don’t see the problem with using it.
IMO, Arch (and most Arch-likes, Manjaro being the exception) has a big focus on customization. The goal of Arch is to let you basically do whatever you want, whereas Manjaro is designe to work out of the box. As kalzEOS on r/archlinux put it: