Anyone care to share their docker compose file for the upgrade? Or at least the pictrs portion? I’ve upgraded and migrated postgres to 16, but am having issues with the pictrs part.

  • minnixOPA
    214 days ago

    This is the part of the new compose file that I don’t understand:

    PICTRS__OLD_REPO__PATH=/mnt/sled-repo PICTRS__REPO__TYPE=postgres PICTRS__REPO__URL=postgres://user:password@host:5432/db

    When I try to add it, pictrs complains about not being able to connect to postgres, even though the credentials are correct and I’ve already run the postgres migration script. Did you not do this part when you upgraded?

    • Morethanevil
      114 days ago

      No I just replaced the image tag. Pictrs will do the upgrade itself.

      110 days ago

      This is for making the pictrs backend on postgres and to migrate it to postgres. Though not documented with Lemmy it works and I am running it that way on my instance. It allows you to load balance and have high availability of pictrs service.