No, the etymology is actually completely distinct from the gendered usage of “man.” It’s actually quite interesting.
No, the etymology is actually completely distinct from the gendered usage of “man.” It’s actually quite interesting.
Same reason so many lawyers have History undergraduate degrees.
X goin’ give it to ya.
FML, I knew that and still said it. Best Half Life related game, ever.
I get the sentiment, but I’ll stick to my guns on this one (as I have for two decades). I honestly believe that Blue Shift might be the best game Valve has ever made.
If you haven’t played them, Blue Shift and Opposing Force are amazing as well (better than HL itself, IMHO).
pitter patter
Specifically on the N64, with regards to these games? I absolutely do and I don’t think there’s actually much to discuss.
I have yet to find something that has a deb or flatpak available and isn’t on the AUR.
Tell that to generations of First Nations peoples.
It varies. Some days it’s better than other weeks. It’s a bot using the best OSInt available for the purpose, but there are inherent limitations.
It’s just not on Twitter.
Used on eBay and flashed with the Unleashed firmware. It’s the same price range as Ubiquiti stuff.
Ruckus APs with wired backhaul OpnSense box runs the network.
He’s remembered as a figure who wanted to kill all of Parliament and return the nation to an absolute monarchy.
You guys know what Guy Fawkes was trying to make happen, right? RIGHT?!
That’s a false premise.
“Whoever the author wants to win.”