Indeed, kinda how conservatives are terrified of blue haired queers despite their superior alpha maleness
Indeed, kinda how conservatives are terrified of blue haired queers despite their superior alpha maleness
🤣 that’s the joke
Seagulls are demons and don’t count in any way that matters
Acid to cut through the fat. Let’s go.
I had a dream where a biblically accurate angel asked me if I was a crab yet
Username checks out ✅️
Crab innards be looking tasty
Me after coming out of the sauna
Last when I was into this topic, no expert on the China economy ever said that China was going to collapse. Rather their prognosis is that the economy is near its peak and likely will stagnate from now on, maybe shrink a bit (maybe) . But not collapse
Funny cause I reduced my recent reddit usage cause I got tired of the toxic post election political liberal cope
Starts revolution
Yup, a 2 min walk becomes a 30 min commute.
This is more apt than the russian version of this meme because Israel literally builds wall bubbles like this in the west bank