Let others help you? Who? How?
I have places to go if I abandon everything, misgender myself for a passport that I can’t really afford to pay for, and leave the country, but short of that? Nobody is standing up to offer me a job that can pay my rent. Nobody is offering me an affordable place to live. People offer sentiments, but that isn’t the same as stability or material resources. People offer to talk, but that’s not the same as the $20/hr remote job I need to find to keep my head above water.
Where is this help?
My current reality is trying to keep my mental health intact while a transphobic neighbor makes it hard to even do basic housework or just be at home in peace, all while scrambling to find a new job that actually pays enough for me to live that I can actually do between disability and time blindness. The people who do talk to me on a regular basis I try not to load down with how much bullshit I’m dealing with because the ones I do share it with start drifting away pretty damn quick
But if y’all have some remote work or other form of sustainable income until I manage to finish the game I’m working on and try to build something real for myself, I’m about it.
well informed.
Note: Facebook isn’t a reliable source of information.
That depends on your goal. The only good reason for Facebook news is to understand what the maga crowd believes so you can properly deprogram them
I love this flow chart. What sucks is being an activist who can no longer be ready to act. I like doing the supporting, and have been conditioned against accepting support for me. Handing myself to my community is pretty difficult to do, but they haven’t let me down yet
I like that it includes a box for small sustainable actions. I think we need more resources like this to help those like me who have never known how to make a difference effect some action. Thank you lindsa
So many people want to do “big, splashy” things that they forget that the end of the day, people are being hurt by these fascist policies.
Find places where you can help out. Not just with money but time. Because when the “big, splashy” thing happens, you’ll know the people who are best poised to take advantage of it.