It was only ever a question of whether it was Texas or Mississippi.
Or Alabama. Or Florida.
Or Kansas.
Don’t forget Idaho.
It’s happening in every red state
It’s a targeted effort by specific groups, because they know they can only get away with it in red states.
WhY aRe AmErIcAnS nOt BrEeDiNg?!?!
By the time the pension system collapses as a consequence, the old fucks in congress will be long dead. We’re going to be the only ones suffering from their backward, theistic morals.
B-b-but… you weren’t supposed to eat my face off!?
Sorry your insurance won’t cover birth anymore.
Thus becoming one rule for the rich, vs. another for the masses…
God, the US is turning into such a fucking shithole. Good luck with your theocracy and successive fascist government, people.
wow, what selfless heroes 🙄